Vietnam socio economic policy

Thu, 26 Jun 2014. Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2015 08:45

Vietnam socio economic policy ensures a fast and sustainable development in the country, creating a harmony among growth targets, macroeconomic stability and social security.

The target of Vietnam socio economic policy is fast and sustainable economic development tied to the growth model and restructuring the economy towards improving quality, efficient competitiveness. Enhance external activities and improve the efficiency of international integration. Protect the independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity; maintain political security and order, and social security.

To accomplish these goals, Vietnam has set orientations, tasks, and specific solutions. Accordingly, the authorities and concerned units will gradually complete following issues:

Restructure the economy associated with innovating growth model towards improving quality, efficiency and competitiveness; perform synchronization in all industries, sectors nationwide and the local, basis units, primarily products with a long term vision and specific routes. Need to focus on implementing to restructure Vietnam economy in three important areas, namely, investment with focusing on public investment; financial markets with focusing on restructuring commercial banking systems, financial institutions; and enterprises, focusing on economic corporations, state-owned corporations.


Government will prioritize to restructure Vietnam economic and financial policies


Restructure sectors, fields; reasonably review and adjust economic zones, industrial zones associated with restructuring and integrating regional economic zones. Together with key sectors of economy in Vietnam, rapidly develop supporting industries and value added service sectors. Increase investment in developing agriculture, the rural economy; create powerful change in constructing new rural. Focus on reinforcing sea dykes, river dikes, and works on preventing from flood, disasters. Implement the orientation, policies and measures to ensure food security along with protecting the ecological environment, energy security, and effectively controlling energy demand. Besides, exploit and use natural resources in a reasonable manner.

For import - export policy: continue to invest in agricultural products and the products retaining advantages of the country; simultaneously, rapidly develop support industry, engineering, manufacturing and electronic industry. Implement mechanism of the market price for electricity, coal and cost of public services.

Unceasingly strengthen the machinery of government and government at all levels in system of Vietnam politics, early put into practice the model of urban administration. Revise provisions on the decentralization between the central and the local; simplify administrative procedures, especially in the licensed activity, business registration, and tax payment. Tighten order and discipline; promote to fight against corruption, waste, loss, particularly in capital construction investment using State owned capital.


Reforming education in Vietnam is being synchronously implemented


Uniformly apply policies and measures of economic development associated with implementing the progress and social justice; focus on ensuring the social sustainable development in Vietnam, social security, citizen health care, create jobs, raise incomes, reduce poverty and the rich - the poor gap; focus on resolving pressing issues, especially in the clearance and land compensation recovery, negatives on health, education and training. Mobilize social resources for poverty reduction; look for solutions to improve material and spiritual life for citizens.

In particular, need to innovate radically and comprehensively education and training, improve the quality of human resources, specially interest in leadership, management, business administration, science and technology, artistic culture; improve the quality of education, especially higher education; focus on shifting from width to depth on training.

Strengthen and set up a rich, diverse and healthy cultural environment, enhance operational efficiency of the cultural institution system at all levels; simultaneously, renovate, upgrade and build some cultural works of art, gymnastics, and modern sports.


The system of Vietnam law is gradually completed


Government, the Supreme People's Court, Supreme People's Procuracy high focus on building, implementing judicial reform proposals to ensure the quality and progress; take on the role of training, re-training, training for professional staffs, judges, jurors, investigators, prosecutors, executors, and enforcement officers. Continuously improve provisions of the law on the organization and operation of the judicial authorities on civil litigation, legal support, corruption prevention, administrative violation, terrorism prevention, and extradition of criminals.

Strengthen national defense and security; maintain independence, sovereignty, unity, territorial integrity, especially on coasts and islands of the country. Modernize national defense and security strengths both on modern facilities and techniques for the armed forces. Proactively and positively take part in international integration and Vietnam foreign relations. Promote traditional friendly relations and strategic cooperation with bordering neighboring countries. Pay a special attention to solve existing issues of territorial boundaries, especially issues related to South China Sea in a satisfactory manner, based on principles of peace, the respect of international law, and regional and international disciplines.

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