Vietnam National Day

Thu, 26 Jun 2014. Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2015 08:45

Vietnam National Day not only marks the turning point in the history of the nation, but also takes a great significance strongly impacting patriotism, independence struggles of oppressed people worldwide.

Vietnam National Day 2nd September, also known as Vietnam Independence Day is one of the most important and significant public holidays in Vietnam, deserving the turning point in the historical development of the nation, opening the era of national independence in Vietnam country. Great achievements over 69 years of revolutionary government building, especially achievements on the renovation process, national and strong government construction confirmed that the essence of Vietnam State was the State of Vietnam people, by Vietnam people, and for Vietnam people. Vietnam currently pays attention to promote administrative reform and innovation; simultaneously, improve efficiency, management effectiveness and administrative quality, striving for the goal of a prosperous nation, a strong country, an equal, democratic and civilized society.


President Ho Chi Minh read Vietnam Declaration of Independence


Independence Day is not only a personal significance for Vietnam people, but also takes a great significance strongly impacting patriotism, independence struggles of oppressed people worldwide. On this day in 1945, President Ho Chi Minh read the Declaration of Independence; giving the birth to Democratic Republic of Vietnam, which today is Socialist Republic of Vietnam. The Declaration of Independence is historical documentation retaining extremely important implications for the destiny of the nation. It seemed to continue the indomitable heroic tradition of the ancient fathers. The Declaration of Independence was an epic continuing the glorious history of thousands of years ago, marked the triumph of a tenacious century against colonialism and feudalism and opened a new independent era in Vietnam. Declaration of Independence not only gave birth to one State - Democratic Republic of Vietnam, the first independent State in the colonial system worldwide, but also signaled the establishment of a new social system - the first farmer-worker State in Southeast Asia. From here, as the real owners of the country, Vietnam people under the leadership of Vietnam Communist Party unyieldingly fought against imperialism and feudalism. Accordingly, 30 years after the “Declaration of Independence”, Vietnam completed the glorious historical mission in 1975: completely liberate the South, end the democratic - national revolution, and conduct to unify whole nation. Thanks to national independence and freedom, perpetual spirit of the Declaration of Independence forever etched into hearts and minds of every citizen in Vietnam. With the meaning and enormity, 2nd September becomes one of largest Vietnam holidays, National Day of Socialist Republic of Vietnam.


Marching on Vietnam National Day


Like other Vietnam public holidays, on this occasion, all officers, civil servants, armed forces and employees in the administrative and professional offices, party offices, unions, businesses are holidayed in a day (on 2/9). In addition, agencies, units, factories, schools, hospitals, the armed forces units and households are also encouraged to hang national flag in these days to remember the heroic period of the nation.

Along with commemorative programs, many advocacy activities, gratitude activities, traditional education, art performances and cultural activities excitedly happen at all localities in the country, expressing joy, excitement on tradition of patriotism, willpower of Vietnam people. Vietnam National Day is worthy one of the most important and significant holidays in Vietnam.

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