Dalat economy

Mon, 28 Jul 2014. Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2015 08:46

Thanks to the right policies along with the development of tourism, in recent years, Dalat economy is more and more growth and contributes remarkably to the development of the whole Vietnam economy.

Located in the Central Highlands economy, the economy in Dalat mainly focuses on the development of the tourism, services and agriculture. In 2007, the tourism and services accounted for 70% of gross domestic product of the city. The industrial output value at the current price of Dalat in 2011 reached VND 2047.400 billion, equivalent to Bao Loc, the second city of Lam Dong. The industrial sector attracting most labors is the processing industry. A number of Dalat products as wine, artichoke tea or fruit jam has long been widely known. Due to climatic conditions and suitable soil, the city also cultivates tea and coffee, two important products in the processing industry of the city.



The industry and construction are developed with the orientation forming the small and medium industrial zones in the agricultural and rural localities to attract investment in agricultural product for the domestic market and the export. In 2011, the Dalat economic growth rate reached 17%, the total export turnover reached $ 42.7 million and the per capita income was about VND 26.6 million. Currently, Dalat city is focusing on the investment to develop the handicraft industry and the agro-processing industry.


Agriculture – forestry

Vegetable farming in Dalat


In the previous years, the agriculture, forestry and fishery were important economic sectors of Dalat. However, with the orientation to develop the tourism, services – industry, construction-agriculture, forestry, the agriculture sector has been decreasing logically its proportion in the city’s economic structure. Currently, the Dalat agricultural sector still attracts 38.5% of social employees.  The agricultural production on the arable field is growing in the size, crops, productivity and the quality of agricultural products. Every year, the agricultural sector supplies for the domestic market about 200.000 tons vegetables and more than 250 million of flowers. The livestock sector develops slowly. The city is implementing the restructuring programs on the crops and livestock to enhance the diversity of products, to meet the demand of domestic market in the direction of the high quality and to establish gradually the export market of agricultural products.

Thanks to the soil and favorable climate, Dalat has many favorable conditions to grow temperate crops. Except for a few varieties of vegetables from the North, most kinds of the city's vegetables  are imported from France, Germany, Netherlands, Japan, the United States ...  The vegetable occupying the most cultivation area in Dalat both past and present is cabbage, especially the cabbage imported from Japan. In addition, there are agricultural crops such as potatoes, carrots, onions, peas, spinach... Dalat is also known as the land of flowers with varieties of orchids, roses, lilies, gladiolus, hydrangeas, immortal flower, carnations ... Since 2000, a number of tropical and subtropical orchids was be successfully grown as Moth Orchid, Oncidium and Spider Orchid. The species of gladiolus, roses and lilies are grown in Dalat from the mid-20th century. On the outskirts of Dalat, there are the orchards as peach, plum, and strawberry…, industrial crops as tea, coffee, artichoke and famous medicinal plants of Dalat. In 2011, the city has 7,123ha of vegetables, 441ha of fruit trees, 25ha of rice and nearly 3,500ha of flowers, of which approximately 1,500 hectares of greenhouses.


A flower garden in Dalat


The agricultural development programs based on the target of rural industrialization and modernization has been gradually implemented. The rural infrastructure is invested including the traffic, irrigation, electricity, schools, hospitals… The social economy in some key agricultural areas of the city is improved significantly. The application of scientific and technological achievements into the production provides the appropriate economic efficiency per unit area. The life of population is raised, the social welfare is cared for and the cultural life is developed.

In recent years, Dalat appears more private and foreign agricultural companies such as Dalat Hasfarm Agrivina, Bonnie Farm, Langbiang Farm ... participating in the vegetable production.  Thanks to expanding the cultivated area and application of technical advances, the agricultural output increases dramatically and contributes remarkably to the growth of Dalat economy during recent years.


Tourism – Services

Dalat Palace Golf Club


Regarding Dalat economic development, the tourism and services are considered as the dynamic economic sectors of the city in the past years and the next years. The growth rate of these industries is maintained and developed every year. Currently, in the city’s economic structure, the growth rate reaches 65%. The services are more and more growing. For long time, Dalat has been a famous tourist city in Vietnam. Thanks to the cool climate, abundant natural resources and friendly people, Dalat city attracts millions of tourists to visit and relax each year. After a quiet period of the 1980s, Dalat tourism has changed dramatically in recent years. In 2001, the city had 369 hotels including 4334 rooms with the capacity of 15.821 people. Until now, a number of Dalat hotels have increased significantly. In 2005, Dalat held the first “Festival Dalat flower” attracting 1.6 millions of tourists. In 2013, the number estimated at about 3.4 million arrivals. 

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