Vietnam weather by month

Vietnam weather by month

Vietnam is located in area of tropical climate. Vietnam weather by month is also characterized by conditions of geography and topography of the country. Three parts of Vietnam witness differences in weather month by month.

Northwestern Vietnam weather overview

Northwestern Vietnam weather overview

Northwestern Vietnam weather is divided into two seasons, dry season and wet season. The dry season runs from October to late March, while the wet season lasts from April to September.

Southern Vietnam weather overview

Southern Vietnam weather overview

Topography in southern Vietnam is quite flat; to the west is Gulf of Thailand, to the east is East Sea, and to the north and northwest is Cambodia. Southern Vietnam weather is characterized by tropical equatorial climate with high temperature.

Northern Vietnam weather by regional patterns

Northern Vietnam weather by regional patterns

Being influenced by northern territory of Hoanh Son Range, Northern Vietnam weather has a humid subtropical climate with four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. This climatic region is characterized by instability in seasons and temperature.

Central Vietnam weather overview

Central Vietnam weather overview

Central Vietnam weather is dry and hot with Southwest wind. With a long coastline, the weather is characterized by cool ocean breeze. Because the land area is limited by Truong Son Mountain range, the region has two distinct seasons: dry and rainy.

Vietnam weather overview

Vietnam weather overview

Situated in South East Asia. Vietnam has a complex topography with a long coastline and three-fourths area of hills and mountains. This type of geography plays a great part in forming Vietnam weather with typical monsoons and high humidity.

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