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Da Nang Tourism Logo and Slogan picked out

Tue, 13 May 2014. Last updated Wed, 17 Sep 2014 17:41

Organizers of Da Nang Tourism Logo and Slogan Contest published first prize works on 30th April after more than 8 months of organization, from 13th July, 2013 to 20th March, 2014.

Da Nang Tourism Logo and Slogan Contest has obtained 1,004 valid entries by 512 authors from 38 provinces and cities over the country after more than 8 months of organization (from 13th July, 2013 to 20th March, 2014). In particular, Da Nang owns 210 entries; this number is respectively 195 in Ho Chi Minh City, 134 in Hanoi and 465 in all other provinces.

After the judging day on 24th March, the jury has selected 20 best designs for further consideration in the final round, finding out the best logo to represent the city's tourism. These 20 designs were on display at T- Bridge (before Municipal People's Committee) from 6 – 16 April and received 1,159 comments from residents. At the ceremony, the organizers awarded 3 consolation prizes for 3 works coding 555, 811 and 836. Each prize’s worth is VND 3 million and a night stay in 5-star hotel in Da Nang. Meanwhile, the first prize belongs to works coding 168 of  Doan Hai Tu graphic designer (born 1989, Ho Chi Minh City) with the prize’s worth of VND 100 million, and many other valuable prizes by corporations, tourism businesses in the city. Doan Hai Tu is currently a freelance designer. He has ever won awards in design competitions, including First Prize in 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Australia - Vietnam logo design contest on 29th February, 2013; top prize and third prize in “turn off lights, turn on ideas” design contest in 2014.


Conference on Da Nang Tourism Logo and Slogan


Overall, the logo brings the shape of a blooming flower, just representing a fully charming Da Nang City. It is also the flower blossoming in tourists’ mind when they set foot in this beautiful city. Feeling the full beauty of Da Nang, like a blossoming flower, tourists can exclaim the praise “Fantasticity!”. This slogan is a combination of “Fantastic” and “city”, which means a fantastic city. Along with an exclamation mark at the end, “Fantasticity!” is an emotion uttered from someone who is excited and extremely happy. This is also the philosophy Da Nang tourism should be directed oriented: fun and happiness for tourists to discover, experience a great city!


Da Nang Bridge at night


Most members of the jury appreciate that the logo and slogan is in possession of potential to develop a brand identity system for Da Nang tourism. Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism upcoming will invite media companies to establish brand strategies associated with the new logo and slogan; simultaneously, coordinate with designer Doan Hai Tu to improve logo design in order to suit the needs of Da Nang tourism promotion, particularly aiming at the international market. Da Nang tourism logo and slogan will facilitate the tourism promotion and advertisement. Besides, the city's tourism image increasingly appears more professional in the eyes of international tourists and friends.

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