Adam Khoo shared his secret to success for Vietnamese businessmen

Thu, 25 Sep 2014 . Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2015 08:50

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Adam Khoo is a Singaporean millionaire just at the age of 26. He has planed and worked very hard to achieve the success. In his training course in Vietnam this time, he shared his secret to success for Vietnamese businessmen.

Adam Khoo, one of the top 25 richest Singaporean under 40, an award-winning Singaporean entrepreneur, best-selling author and performer training. Adam is currently running set up businesses and education, training, event management and advertising. All combined annual turnover of 30 million US dollar. But few people know that when he was 12, Adam was expelled from school for misbehavior. He was academically weak and he also had poor social skills and labeled a problem student. But what transfer an underachiever to a millionaire just at the age of 26.

As a successful investor, Adam exceptional strategy on investing in the stock market attracts hundreds of people every time he comes here. From his success and achievement, Adam set up Adam Khoo learning technology group and 7 private companies. Over last 15 years, he has trained over 350.000students, teachers, professionals, executive and business owners to help hem promote the power and achieve excellence in various fields. His success story is regularly featured in regional media like Straits Times, Business Times, New Paper, Lianhe Zaobao, Channel News Asia, Channel U, Channel 8, Newsradio 938, The Hindu, Malaysian Sun and many more. In 2008, Adam was awarded as excellent alumnus from Singapore National University, for being one of the Singaporean most successful and prominent businesses.

In 2011, Adam Khoo conducted his first training course in Vietnam on business strategy. It was held by Money Rain and whose founder is heavily influenced by the philosophy of Adam Khoo. The Money Rain project is the brainchild of Nguyen Quoc Trung, a young Vietnamese entrepreneur. The company’s development strategy is to share and multiply the philosophy of making money rain through inviting world top millionaire, businessmen and speaker to Vietnam and sharing their views on making money rain. Since the first meeting in conference with Adam Khoo in 20111, 40 to 50 Vietnamese people have been successful applied Adam Khoo’s knowledge into their own businesses.

Four years ago, Nguyen Quoc Trung was a fresh graduate.  At that time, he would invite foreign entrepreneurs to Vietnam. He believes that if you want to learn from someone else, they had better be the best in their field. It would be best to learn how to do business from top entrepreneurs. The theme of Money Rain’s first project in Vietnam was how to start a business. He did research on the internet to find an expert who could advise young people on startups. A lot of names came up in the search results. Among them, Adam Khoo stood out as an Asian entrepreneur who had had success in coaching others. There are successful businessmen who don’t know how to share their experience. Therefore, he chose Adam because he was a successful businessman and an Asian, which means that his techniques would likely benefit Vietnamese people.

Adam Khoo is also the best-selling author of 13 books which include “I am gifted, so are you”, “how to multiply your child’s intelligence” and “Clueless in starting a business”. His book “Master your mind design your destiny” which was the second best-selling book in Singapore in 2004 and was on the best-selling list for 36 consecutive weeks. His next two books “Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires” and “Secrets of Millionaire Investors” both listed and stayed on no.1 spot on the Strait Times best-selling list for more than 52 weeks. In all his books, Adam conveys a message to young readers.

The world is changing quickly. In the old days, companies had to compete with local teams and local companies. Now they have to compete with local ones and global markets. If they do not invest in helping employees innovate and changing faster than economy, then they are going to be left behind. According to Adam Khoo, the key here is to empower employees with the right mind and give them the right strategy in order to be able to over the competitions. He calls it “personal effectiveness”.


Source: VTV4 –