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Vietnam enterprises invests in international markets

Fri, 02 May 2014. Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2015 08:42

While several Vietnam enterprises are trying to fend off economic crisis, others continue to expand exponentially into international markets where competition is extremely fierce.

On September 10th, Hoang Anh Gia Lai Group signed a memorandum with Lao government of 4 large-scale projects at the Viet-Lao investment conference in Vientiane. In Laos, Hoang Anh Gia Lai is one of the largest and most successful investors with an investment capital of nearly $ 1 billion on rubber, sugar cane, hydropower and mining. The success in Laos leads this “Vietnamese giant” to penetrate into Cambodia market. The Group is the main investor in 3 major projects: construction of Nam Hai Dinh Vu Port, two rubber projects of Pacific Pearl and Pacific Lotus. Not only in Indochina, Hoang Anh Gia Lai has begun construction of a large-scale project of which the capital is up to hundreds million USD in the center of Myanmar since early 2013. The project is expected to be completed within 14 months. Many economic analysts said that it was a right step of this “giant” after fully exploiting domestic real estate market. Hoang Anh Gia Lai will be a pioneer for Vietnamese businesses to invest in Myanmar real estate market. 

 Also in Lao market, BIM Group, the owner of private airline Air Mekong, constructed a complex of 5-star hotel, shopping center and apartments for rent whose name is Vientiane Complex. With a capital of $ 70 million, the project has been completed and put into use since late 2012.


Viettel staff working with foreing experts


Vinamilk, the largest company providing milk and products from milk in Vietnam, has officially declared that the company has received business registration of Cambodia. It is a prelude to the plan of “going abroad” of Vinamilk. The company immediately founds Angkor Diary Products of which the capital is 420 billion VND. Vinamilk aims to dominate the milk market in Cambodia in the near future. In addition, in December 2013, $ 7 million was spent to buy a USA milk enterprise named Driftwood Diary. Such moves show that Vinamilk is growing dramatically not only in domestic market but also in international ones.       

There are a large number of Vietnam enterprises that have approached foreign markets all around the world such as Dien Quang Company of which the main product is lamp in Venezuela, CT Group in Myanmar, Song Da Group with hydropower projects in Laos, FPT in Japan, Minh Long ceramic in Czech,…


Ground BreakingCeremony of Song Da Group in Laos


The trend of foreign investment is a good sign of Vietnam economy. Simultaneously, foreign investment also brings significant benefits to businesses themselves. Expanding into international markets improves enterprises’ competitiveness to develop distribution system and attract more investments. Profit from foreign investment is extremely huge. Projects in foreign countries also create opportunities for domestic human resources. In general, “going abroad” of Vietnamese businesses produce benefits not only for enterprises but also for economy.

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