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IPU 132 in Vietnam shows important imprints

Sat, 04 Apr 2015. Last updated Thu, 25 Jun 2015 09:04

With the results, the IPU 132 in Vietnam has noted the importance in parliamentary diplomacy history, not only to Vietnam but also with its own mechanism for inter-parliamentary cooperation worldwide.

After 5 working days (from March 28 to April 1, 2015), IPU 132 in Vietnam ends successfully with the approval of Declaration on Hanoi - "Sustainable development targets: Turning words into actions" and many other important documents. By virtue of IPU 132 in Hanoi, solidarity, cooperation, consensus, efforts and determination of the IPU will continue to spread. They will be concretized into decisions, actions, and programs bringing immediate interests to people across the world. By dint of the important event, Vietnam politics will increasingly gains supports from international community and develops sustainably.


Wishes of world residents

President Truong Tan San speaks at IPU 132


According to Mr. Tran Van Hang, Chef of Foreign Relations Committee under Vietnam National Assembly, Permanent Deputy Head of General Assembly IPU 132 Organizing Committee, this is the session having the biggest number of foreign delegations with hundreds of leaders of National Assembly, parliaments of country members. This proves the attention of the parliament, peoples of countries to the theme that proposed by Vietnam - "Sustainable development targets: Turning words into actions." The theme attracts the attention of a large number of peoples and members of parliaments representing for people in each country. When member of parliament come here, they bring the will of their people to learn, exchange, debate, contribute ideas to developing resolutions and contribute to the success of this General IPU Assembly in Vietnam.

In meetings, there are a general discussion of General Assembly, meetings of Standing Committee, of female parliament, young members of parliament forum, meetings about children's right, and gender equality... These meetings took place successfully. In some meetings, there were about 100 opinions about gender equality, women right, creating conditions for women to have more comprehensive rights, especially the right to participate in political activities. According to Mr. Tran Van Hang, representatives in these meeting came here to share their experiences on the process on making attempt to implement millennium goals. At the same time, they gave out the remains and difficulties during the process. Thus, countries proposed for turning into new period, i.e. 15-year sustainable development.

And, problems which have not been solved will be added and conducted in the next plan of the next program of UN, i.e. sustainable development program with 17 targets and 169 missions. Delegations joined and contributed to making specific plan of country parliaments.

Through these discussions, the parliament of each country learn experiences other countries as success stories of other countries. At the General Assembly, the countries' legitimate aspirations were put into resolutions, such as enhancing information exchange and cooperation between parliaments in the implementation of sustainable development goals which will be approved by the United Nations. It is obvious that parliaments, members of parliament, and participants contributed to the success of the General Assembly IPU-132.


Vietnam imprints

IPU 132 Vietnam Opening ceremony


In terms of Hanoi Declaration's meaning, Mr. Tran Van Hang share that, the Hanoi Declaration is the initiative of Vietnam. The idea has been applied since the promulgation Vietnam to have a chance to host the General Assembly IPU 132. Vietnam in IPU wished to have a declaration to leave an imprint in Hanoi - the imprint of Vietnam as Vietnam hosted the IPU 132 at the same time with the transferring period of two developing processes. This is the last year to implement the Millennium Development Goals and turn into a new period of the world in the next 15 years. The topic is directly attached to the way of Vietnam economic-social development in the next years. It is the process of sustainable development. Vietnam National Assembly acknowledged the topic and actively proposed, as National Assembly is the most power representative agency of people, representing for the rights and interests of people.

When Vietnam proposed the topic, it received much attention of parliament. This shows the prestige of Vietnam in the international arena, representing the independent, multilateralised, diversified, proactive foreign policy in international integration, bringing good results. The most obvious one is that Vietnam had gathered hundreds of unions and parliamentarians to discuss. The declaration confirmed that it marked a historical milestone of IPU. According to President Saber Chowdhury, Hanoi Declaration creates a higher value of IPU. The president said, "We honor Vietnam, honor Hanoi". It reflected that the topic of Vietnam had a significant meaning to the entire world and met the hope of international friends.

On the implementation of resolutions at the 132 IPU Assembly, Mr. Tran Van Hang shared at the meeting of the Standing Committee that several important resolutions were adopted. At the General Assembly of the IPU-132, Hanoi Declaration is the most important document, contributing to the UN-oriented agenda after 2015, identifies the targets, objectives and specific directions in the sustainable development. HCS will continue to be discussed and supplemented at the summit of leading legislators in New York at the end of this year. Along with the Hanoi Declaration, the General Assembly of the IPU-132 held the entire document on resolutions and solutions to send parliament delegations. President Nguyen Sinh Hung as the Chairman IPU- 132 signed letters send all presidents of members of parliament to ask about the implementation of this solution.

"With the role and functions of Parliaments, in the text of the IPU-132 four steps for parliamentary countries to implement were also mentioned. Through monitoring the activities of the Standing Committee and the General Assembly session, the chiefs spoke and gave action plans deploy 17 goals and 169 sustainable development targets.

IPU 132 themed "Sustainable development target: Turning words into actions." Chairman of IPU - Saber Chowdhury also emphasized that to put this resolution into effect, the parliaments must make the resolution become specific legal basis, policy and decision-making in countries to implement.

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